Our Ministries
The 'After Church' Experience is designed to minister to people outside of the four walls of the church building. We recognize that life's biggest challenges happen "outside" of the formal church experience. We want to ensure that our busy lifestyles make room for God. We challenge ourselves and others to show we are unashamed, undeniable, and uncompromised in our love for Jesus Christ! "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:35). Ministerial services include:
Online - FB and Blogger and The 'After Church' Experience Radio Show
Community Outreach
Christian Education Classes, workshops, and conferences.
The 'After Church' Experience Radio Show launched in May 2021 on Envision Radio to create a national platform to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through internet radio. The episodes are still available on most podcast formats.